I run an rPi as a “real” webserver, and have a few Yuns communicating with the rPi via Ethernet or WiFi.
The Yuns are my “slim” webservers, the “Yun-side” takes commands from the rPi, via Ethernet or WiFi, and the “Arduino-side” controls stuff. In my case that’s a bunch of other Arduinos via a nRF24L01+ network.
Basically I need a piece of hardware
that can run a basic webserver
can drive a nRF24L01 module or other modules
I could go the luxury way and connect an Arduino Uno via I2C or so to the most basic rPi and call this a Yun 2.0.
I could also strip my solution down, cut out the middle-man in the form of the nRF24L01 - network, maybe with an ESPx or a Photon.
What I want to avoid is to invest time into another platform that won’t be around in a year or two. I also need a real microcontroller as the end point, making an LED blink just doesn’t cut it for my purposes.
My concern about the ESP (besides stability) is that it can’t replace an Arduino UNO
because there aren’t drivers for most components
only a few pins
My concerns about the Photon (and here I ask for input from the experts):
The Photon seems to only be able to “call home” into the cloud, not communicate with a device with an IP address defined by me, via a standard protocol like http?
Does the Photon have drivers for sensors like RHT03?
Last but not least security… I know the cloud is safe and never down, but I don’t want to expose to the internet any piece of hardware that controls anything of value to me. Can the Photon be told NOT to call home?
Thanks for your input!