What does currently queued/panelized mean?

In the BatchPCB website status monitor, what exactly do the terms “currently queued” and “currently panelized” mean? I don’t understand the difference between them, i.e. one panel is 100% queued but only 7% panelized, and a subsequent panel is only 75% queued and 0% panelized.


I imagine queuing says the design is waiting to be integrated into a panel and space has been allocated. There is processing to be still needs to be done to integrate that design into a panel.

I would guess that the the queuing is automated, and the panelizing requires human action.

A panel has a certain area, defined by Gold Phoenix. I assume the queuing is based off of the submitted boards’ areas in relation to the panel’s total area. Once the BPCB staff start panelizing designs, the used area in the panel is turned light green. (My theory at least)

“queued” means that the order has yet to be uploaded to the actual panel. Panelized means that it is actually on the panel. If you have any more questions feel free to email support@batchpcb.com