What material/color will be best for the LIDAR sensor to detect


I’m trying to measure distance between [LiDAR Lite V3HP sensor and aluminum blinds (see [this picture).

I got better results with the rough brown notebook cover (see [this picture.)

Do you have any experience with what material, color works best for the sensor? I am concerned with achieving the most accurate measurement possible. I’m going to attach a piece of such material to the blinds or paint the lower part in some less reflective color.](https://cdn.w600.comps.canstockphoto.com/old-notebook-cover-texture-stock-photo_csp22118827.jpg)](https://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00KjvakyfdlNzY/Good-Quality-Electric-Exterior-Aluminum-Venetian-Blind-80mm-and-50mm-.jpg)](https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14599)

The more reflective the color, the better (white would be best https://www.freep.com/story/money/cars/ … 042114002/ ), though note that a matte or semi-gloss coating would probably be better than full gloss (as to not ‘blind’ the sensor)…but, reflections are tricky.

The best thing might be to rig something up and perform some tests in the actual conditions you are seeking to implement within, as the lighting in the scene will have a large impact on your results. I would see how they look before going to the paint store :wink:

Thx @TS-Russell for a tip.

I’ve bought a few plexi boards in different colors (white, milk-white, brown). I will check them out:)