Hi, all. Is there a timeline when the Artemis collection of boards will be natively available for selection in PlatformIO IDE? There’s a great Github link right now for those of us who can bridge a solution, but it would be ideal to have these available without CLI installation via pio. Thoughts?
Thanks for a great set of boards!
While there are still plans to, there isn’t currently a timeline for such…wish I had more to offer, but that’s about what I can offer
Perhaps share the referenced github link here, in case anyone else is seeking a similar workaround
The Github project which will allow for inclusion of Artemis RedBoard into existing PlatformIO is located at https://github.com/nigelb/platform-apollo3blue. I’ve gotten it to work for my configuration - the only small tweak I had to adjust for after the pio installation and update of the platformio.ini additions was to change the upload_port and upload_speed values (your /dev/device and 115200 respectively). For example, my platformio.ini is:
platform = apollo3blue
board = SparkFun_RedBoard_Artemis_ATP
framework = arduino
upload_port = /dev/cu.usbserial-1410
upload_speed = 115200
platform_packages = framework-arduinoapollo3@https://github.com/sparkfun/Arduino_Apollo3#v2.2.0
lib_deps =
sparkfun/SparkFun TMP102 Breakout@^1.1.2
sparkfun/SparkFun SerLCD Arduino Library@^1.0.9
sparkfun/Serial Controlled Motor Driver@^1.0.4
sparkfun/SparkFun Qwiic Relay Arduino Library@^1.2.0