Which IMU is the best for rehab research in motion analysis??

Hello…i am a physio and make my Phd now and i am looking the best IMU for my project…can you help??how the data is structured and how the sensor communicates with a web platform to store data??

You will need to look at the various IMU’s available and compare specs to see which one most closely matches your requirements.

Data structure will depend on how you write your software to read and output data from the sensor and if you’re looking for web connectivity, you’d need to connect the sensor to something that puts it on the internet.

What do you want to measure with the IMU?

motion,speed,angles, movement which can be catched from a camera or mobile phone camera and analyzed in a platform and send back feedback.

Sounds like you need to read up on what an IMU does. Basically, they measure acceleration and rotation rates. You can’t reliably integrate acceleration to estimate speed.

You can use a 9DOF IMU to estimate 3D orientation, with orientation errors on the order of 5-15 degrees for a consumer grade sensor, unless it is very carefully calibrated.

when i search i found different models of 9DOF IMU …which one is suitable??

Again, you will need to look at the various IMU’s available and compare specs to see which one most closely matches your requirements. Nobody is able to do this for you because we don’t know your specific requirements.

which one is suitable??

All of them are suitable.

Thanks…what about to measure pressure??Do i need another IMU??

Use a pressure sensor to measure pressure.

Can i find here??

https://www.sparkfun.com/search/results … ure+sensor