Wifi and Arduino Uno R3

Does anyone know how I can use an RN-XV WiFly Module - Wire Antenna ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10822 ) to display a control panel for an arduino uno r3 ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/11021 )? I am trying to make an automated robot that I can tell what to do from my IPod Touch, laptop or IPad. That’s the general idea of it anyway. :idea: PLEASE HELP!!!

You will want to set up an adhoc network with the RN-XV module to pair to from your iPod, laptop or iPad. The RN-XV can connect to the Arduino via a basic serial connection. Read through the RN-XV datasheet for more details about various modes you can use the device in. Something you may want to consider as well is actually using a bluetooth module instead of wifi. This would simply require pairing your computer/phone/tablet to the bluetooth module, and using a terminal program to send commands.