Win11 PC can't detect Artemis ATP on non-USB-C ports

I just purchased an Artemis ATP recently, and even after installing the drivers. At first, I thought it was defective because I was plugging it into a USB 3.2 (type A) port. Eventually I had the idea to try plugging it into my work M1 MacBook Pro (which only has type C ports), and to my surprise it was detected. I went back and plugged it into the type C port on my Win11 PC and it was recognized there as well. I can’t think of a technical reason why it shouldn’t also work on type A ports with a A-to-C cable, but I suppose there could be one.

Is this expected behavior?

My first guess would be that maybe the a->c cable doesn’t have data lines? I’ve experienced the same thing and it turned out the cable I was using only had power wires on the usb (charging cable only)

That was my first instinct as well, so I tried it with one which I presently use to connect an Xbox Elite 2 controller, so it’s known good. Same result, unfortunately.

I’m not terribly concerned about not being able to program it without using a C-to-C cable, but I want to use it to run a button box for sim racing, and I have a USB 3 hub on my rig that I was banking on plugging it into, which doesn’t have any type C ports.

Having this same problem, any solution?