Good morning everyone,
I want to report an error in the Eagle library Sparkfun-Connectors.lbr.
The POWER_JACK_SLOT connector footprint is incorrect.
The three pins are shifted to the left 100 mils from the drawing on the tPlace layer (21) and those on the tDocu layer (51). In practice the two PWR and GND@1 pins must be in the horizontal center of the connector and the GND@2 pin on the right side of the connector, out of the drawing, like in the POWER_JACK_PTH_BREAD footprint but with long pads.
Important: the POWER_JACK_SLOT footprint, unlike the other footprints, contains the trace on the milling layer (46) corresponding to the three pads in order to correctly produce the holes during PCB production. … t.jpg?dl=0 … t.jpg?dl=0
Managed library requires an update