Hi i’m trying to get my 2 arduinos with xbee shields to communicate, but im quite stuck.
First some info:
The hardware i use is:
2x [Arduino UNO (UNO is based om ATmega328)
2x [ArduinoXBee shield PRO v1.1
2x Computers running 32-bit windows (1 XP and 1 Vista)
I try to connect using USB (COM - Ports)
I downloaded the X-CTU and installed it (Ofc ive installed Arduino IDE and drivers).
My X-CTU version is
Now to the problem, i followed a tutorial on how to communicate with xbee and arduino ([Xbee+Arduino example tutorial)
And i followed the steps but when i try to “Write” in “[X-CTU” I get a error that it lost communication with the modem.
Getting modem type… OK
Programming modem… Lost communication with modem
Write Parameters… Failed
Any suggestions?](http://www.digi.com/support/productdetl.jsp?pid=3352&osvid=57&s=316&tp=5&tp2=0)](http://sites.google.com/site/xbeetutorial/example)](http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoXbeeShield)](http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardUno)