I’m following the Xbee accelerometer guide located at http://www.damonkohler.com/2008/11/xbee … meter.html and I am stuck at the step where it asks you to set the ATDN. It says, " Next type ‘ATDNARDUINO’ (or whatever you called your other XBee). That will set the destination node to your other XBee. It should respond with ‘OK’. " I’ve done this, and my other Xbee was indeed called ARDUINO, but it stays there and never says OK and never says ERROR. Any help in fixing this is appreciated.
I think you need to press the “Enter” key after typing ‘ATDNARDUINO’. This is a variable length string and the XBee has no way of knowing when you are finished unless you press ‘enter’.
I think you need to press the “Enter” key after typing ‘ATDNARDUINO’. This is a variable length string and the XBee has no way of knowing when you are finished unless you press ‘enter’.
Pressing enter just goes to a new line, and I never get OK for confirmation.
EDIT: for some reason enter did nothing before, but now I am getting an error. Dunno what to do now.
Anyone know why I get an error?