XBEE3 Not Connecting to XCTU

I have a SparkFun Thing Plus - XBee3 Micro (Chip Antenna) connected to XCTU and I was following a tutorial from Digi about how to communicate via Zigbee. I think the sleep cycle was too long and it was causing reset issues, not being able to write new radio settings, etc… I exited out of the software and now I can’t get the device to connect back to XCTU. It seems to be in perpetual sleep mode. Is my device bricked or is there a hard reset that I could do? I have hit the reset for different amounts of time many times. I have tried https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/ex … 20Recovery. the method outlined here. I get the screen to pop up where it says to push the reset button but that has not worked any time.

The link(s) above have most of the reset info we’re aware of, but maybe you can have luck in the Digi Support? https://www.digi.com/support