xctu and pc interface

i have xbee module xb24-aci-001 and i am planning to connect it to pc using rs232 with a max233 interface, and thus can i run the xctu program and configure the xbee module in this way

second is, does the xbee modules have to be configured to be in the same channel etc for data to be transferred smoothly or even to transfer, or does it need no configuration and can be used out of the box straight for data transmission.


The modules should automatically connect so should work straight out of the box with only setting DH & DL to match the SH & SL of the other unit.

so is it possible to use rs232 max233 interface to connect the xbee to pc for x-ctu to run ?

yep…try looking at the schematics for both Sparkfuns XBee Serial explorer board and Digi Int’s X-BIB RS232 interface board, both work with X-CTU.

If you duplicate the Digi X-BIB board X-CTU will work as that is what Digi sells for this.