ZED-9FP RTCM3 and UBX messages not available over USB?

I’ve been reading through the documentation and hookup guides, but haven’t come to a solid conclusion here. I’m attempting to read the output of the ZED-9FP using a raspi4 over USB, but not having any luck. I can read the NMEA messages just fine using pyserial. They come over the USB just fine, but despite putting the unit in survey-in mode, and enabling the UBX-NAV-SVIN and various RTCM3 messages, and setting the usb port to NMEA+UBX+RTCM3, I only see the NMEA sentences in the serial output. What am I missing?

Hi Datsoon,

I have a couple of quick questions to get a better idea of what is going on. First, I assume you are able to see the ZED-F9P as a serial device on your Pi 4 and connect to it with a terminal, correct? How are you configuring the ZED-F9P and is the ZED-F9P completing the survey? Also, do you have a Windows PC to configure test the ZED-F9P with u-center?