I have been trying to get a rover-basestation setup for a couple days now. My rover does not seem to be respecting the RTCM corrections it gets from the base station.
I have followed this tutorial to the best of my ability:
https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/se … orary-base
however, the ZED module on the rover never gets that RTK blink, or turn of that I am expecting, and the rover never gets above a standard 3-d fix.
I’ve been using u-center to view and configure the devices to some success
I do not believe I have any issues with the QUIIC connectors because I have a sparkfun monitor displaying information that is being received by a Arduino Uno on the base station
In the base station I can see that the scan passed, and that the fix type is set to TIME on the UBX-NAV-PVT monitor.
In the rover, when I view the RTCM input status monitor (UBX-RXM-RTCM) I can see the RTCM messages come through properly, pass the CRC checks, and claim to be used. I can also see the UART2 messages go up on the communication ports monitor (UBX-MON-COMMS).
I have tried taking a common ground and connecting the TX2 on the base station directly to the RX2 on the rover, with no apparent improvement.
Do I need to enable RTCM correction on the rover somehow?
Can the base station help a rover with no-fix get a better reading?
Can RTCM corrections improve a 2d-fix to a 3d-fix?
Does the rover need to have its own 3D-fix to begin RTK mode?
What exactly causes the RTK light to blink/turn off when the rover enters RTK mode?
The above tutorial suggests that only the baud rate for the rover’s UART2 needs to be set to get the RTK mode working, is that really the case?
Help is appreciated
- SA