ZED-F9R board is not seen by Windows 10

Hi everybody, my company purchased the board for experimenting and deploy the RTK functionality to our installations.

The environment is:
Windows 10
WindowsDrivers_AppNote_(UBX-19005821) installed
u-center V22.07 installed

Windows 10 shows: PORTS (COMs and LPTs)==> U-Blox Virtual COM Port (COM3)

The problems is Windows does not detect the ZED-F9R board (pluggin and unplugging it) and consequently the u-center spwtare does not receive any data. I have already read the sparkfun hooks about the proper installation but the problem is still present. Where am I wrong?

Do you have another PC to test? Do you have admin access to the ports? Maybe try uninstalling legacy drivers as well https://content.u-blox.com/sites/defaul … 821%29.pdf

Also try using a different cable; any changes?

Hi Russell, yes I did many tests on several PCs based on Windows 10 and also Windows 7. I am the administrator of this PC and I did change the USB cable twice with no result.

I used the link u sent to double check all the steps I did.

Then according to the u-blox original document pointed by the link, I asked the sales office of u-blox for the driver for Win 10, but I got no reply from them.

So if no follow-up from them in a matter of days I ought to inform my company boss and return this board. I do appreciate for your support .

Hi Russell, I had no reply from u-blox; my last question: because you manufacture the board with u-blox module, could you please send me the proper u-blox driver mentioned in the u-blox document?

If I’ll get no reply within days I ought to inform my boss about the unprofessionality of both u-blox and Sparkfun too and a complete for your unconcern for Customer .

Click the one you have https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … w-breakout or https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/sp … rview-phat and hook it up accordingly. There are no required steps where you connect it over USB; it gets power & communicates from eiither the pins or qwiic connector

If you are dissatisfied you can certainly file for a refund - www.sparkfun.com/returns (or contact vendor if purchased elsewhere)