4 layer setup in Eagle PCB (standard edition)?

Hello All,

I’m trying to setup a four layer board (probably for BatchPCB). Is this the correct setup in Eagle:


to achieve:

1 - signals

2 - GND

3 - Supply

4 - Signals

So if I want to route from the top layer to the supply it means:

1-> 4 → 3

As there’s no direct via from 1 to 3. Is this correct?



You should be able to put vias between the signal layers and power/ground planes. PCB software generally provides clearance round the pads on the inner layers where it is required.



Thanks for that. Do you know if my layer setup is correct? Should it be ((12)+(1516)). From what I understand the brackets indicates possible via connections in Eagle. I’m planning on using BatchPCB.



Sorry, I don’t use Eagle. Check the Gerbers with a Gerber viewer to make sure (I use GC-Prevue).



The Eagle manual suggests (12+316) for 4 layers with through vias. That’s what I use and it works. I can connect to either power plane.


David thanks for the reply.

Looks like you have it correct except for the Eagle standard edition the setup is


(layer 3 not available)

Thus the use of blind/buried via’s are not available (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Via_(electronics)).

As an aside I priced adding 5 blind/buried via’s & it added $200 to the board!


What is the difference between (1+2)(15+16) or 1+2+15+16 or 121516??