4WD mobile manipulator dagu 4wd thumper mobile platform

First of all I am a newer here and thanks to accept me.

I am a robot engineer and have worked in this industry since I graduated from university! Usually, I will meet some problems on development and then share some building robot information with friends!

Now I will share an example of dagu 4wd thumper mobile platform:

**4WD mobile manipulator dagu 4wd thumper mobile platform with 2dof arm black wild thumper 4WD robot kit with gripper**

This 4WD version of Wild Thumper is an ideal platform to build upon. The 2DOF aluminium arm compliments this chassis beautifully. 4 powerful motors and an adjustable independent.suspension system lets little chassis go almost anywhere. Comes standard with 75:1 motors.

Dagu 4wd thumper mobile platform with 2dof arm motor specifications:

Rated voltage: 6V DC (min. 2V Max. 7.5V).

Stall current maximum 5.5A.

No load current per motor is 350mA.

Motor RPM is 10000 +/- 5%.

Gearbox ratio is 75:1.

Output shaft speed is 133rpm +/- 5%.

Stall torque is 4Kg/cm.