Arduino not recognizing the 9DoF Razor IMU during upload

I have a USB connection issue on Windows 7 platform. I went through the tutorial, installed Arduino 1.8.10 and the libraries and so forth. When I plug in the module, it is recognized by Windows as I see it in the “Device Manager” and I see the sensor output via serial monitor app in Arduino. I can send reconfiguration commands via the terminal as described in the Sparkfun tutorial. Red power LED is on and blue LED is blinking. So far, so good.

However, when I try to upload the “-9DoF_Razor_M0_firmware” code, I get “No device found on COMX” error message. I tried the 2nd unit I had with the same results. I rebooted the windows without any help. I also tried the same USB port with an Arduino Uno module and was able to upload code successfully.

Any ideas? Thank you.

Hi cinbisc,

Windows 7 sometimes has problems with boards that change from the standard port to a bootloader port. You will be able to see this by watching the debug printout in Arduino with “Verbose Output” turned on during Compilation and Upload. You can enable that in the Preferences menu.

To fix your issue, try forcing the 9DoF Razor into the bootloader by holding the SCL pin LOW on start up. Flip the IMU’s switch off, use a jumper wire to connect SCL to GND, and turn the switch back on. While in the bootloader, the blue pin 13 LED should remain illuminated. Once the board is in bootloader mode, try uploading to that port and it should work.

Thank you! That resolved the problem and I can program now.

After days of trying every other solution out there to get consistent uploads to the SEN-14001 Razor IMU and bypassing this solution because it is for windows 7 and I am running windows 10 with the same symptoms I tried it. I now have consistent ability to upload when I connect SCL to ground.

And repeatedly I overlooked the troubleshooting note in the 9DoF Razor IMU M0 Hookup Guide!

I would get a good upload 1 in about 20 times giving me false hope it was drivers, libraries, compatibility settings, com port settings or some other solution. Not that the board has trouble going into bootloading mode.