IMU 9DOF no longer detectable in Windows


After (unfortunately) running one of the sample programs the IMU 9DOF board was simply dropped by Windows and it is no longer reported in the PORTS option for Arduino. The blue light on the board is off, even though the on/off light is on. This means I can no longer use the board…and I just used it for 3 minutes…

The board is not connected to any other board, I simply connected it to my PC via the USB cable. I was just starting to look at the product …and now I’m upset.

Some of the troubleshooting I read was about holding SCL to LOW and switching ON/OFF …but how can I send a low (0) to the board? Does that mean I have to connect it to an Arduino and send the LOW…which means I now need to do some soldering on the board as well.

More importantly has this issue being looked into by Sparkfun? I understand the new code overwrote the default on the board but why was the device dropped from windows? Need a bit more insight into this, I am wondering if I can put this board on something that flies.

Please help.

Some of the troubleshooting I read was about holding SCL to LOW and switching ON/OFF …but how can I send a low (0) to the board? Does that mean I have to connect it to an Arduino and send the LOW…which means I now need to do some soldering on the board as well.

So what that means is you need to connect a jumper wire between SCL and GND. A regular breadboard jumper wire will work as long as it's touching both pads. Turn the board off, then with the wire in place, turn the board on again while it's connected to your computer and you should get a new COM port. Once that's happened, you should be able to select that port and upload your code.

More importantly has this issue being looked into by Sparkfun?

There's not really an issue per say but it sounds like something in your code is hanging the SAMD21 and that's what's preventing your computer from seeing it. This is why we added the ability to manually trigger the bootloader so that your computer could see the board again if the board somehow got locked up.

Thanks for that response. The IMU is now detected by the OS.

However, when trying to upload a sketch the operation fails half way. The ARDUINO IDE sends many wake up calls to the IMU and then proceeds to send the sketch but it just hangs there for a long while and then it fails.

Also I noticed that the COM port is still reported as USB SERIAL DEVICE (COM15) as opposed to SPARKFUN IMU …(COM15). I have tried to update to the SPARKFUN driver but forget it Windows Keeps saying the best driver is installed and refuses to use the SPARKFUN one.

The following is a segment of the commands executed by the IDE:

(notice it is using a MATLAB utility but matlab is not running and therefore not connected to the board)

PORTS {COM15, } / {COM15, } => {}

Uploading using selected port: COM15

C:\ProgramData\MATLAB\SupportPackages\R2019a\3P.instrset\arduinoide.instrset\idepkgs\packages\arduino\tools\bossac\1.7.0/bossac.exe -i -d --port=COM15 -U true -i -e -w -v C:\Users\Guillermo\AppData\Local\Temp\ArduinoServer\MW/MPU9250_Basic.ino.bin -R

However, when trying to upload a sketch the operation fails half way. The ARDUINO IDE sends many wake up calls to the IMU and then proceeds to send the sketch but it just hangs there for a long while and then it fails.

Try a simple sketch like the Blink.ino example and see if you have better luck with the upload. If that fails, try a different USB cable.

Also I noticed that the COM port is still reported as USB SERIAL DEVICE (COM15) as opposed to SPARKFUN IMU …(COM15).

Yeah, that will happen. The COM port and port name will change when the bootloader is running but you don’t need to reinstall the driver or anything. Once the board gets a successful upload and the bootloader exits, the old port and name should return.