Sparkfun RAZOR 9DOF IMU won't connect via USB

Hello, my RAZOR IMU seems to be broken and doesn’t show up as a device on my ubuntu 18 computer.

When the board is powered, only the red light turns on (and it stays solid). The blue light doesn’t turn on at all, and the board doesn’t show up via lsusb or in the /dev/tty USB ports.

I’ve tried following the reset instructions (connecting SCL to GND using a jumper cable) from the sparkfun tutorials, and also connecting PIN10 to GND on the cortex debug board and replicating a double click.

Do you guys have any suggestions? Is the board permanently broken?

Hi ezhang887,

Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting your 9DoF Razor working. Just to confirm what steps you have taken, are you holding SCL LOW/tied to ground on startup? The board will only enter the bootloader if that pin is LOW on start-up, not if you just pull it low while running. Also, does the board show up as any type of USB device or just absolutely no activity when you plug it in? Have you tried using different micro-USB cables?

Also, just to make sure there are no obvious hardware issues, can you please take a few photos of your board (and any soldering you have done, if applicable) and attach them to your reply? Please do your best to make sure they are clear and well-lit.


I have connected the SCL pin to the GND pin before powering the board. The board doesn’t show up as a USB device, and we’ve tried different USB cables. I also haven’t modified the board in any way.

Also (Sorry, I forgot to mention it last time), but the error only occurred after I tried loading the firmware into the IMU (I was at step 4.2 of this page: I got an error that the bossac version was mismatched, and after fixing the path to point to the correct bossac version in the .arduino15/packages/SparkFun/hardware/samd/1.6.1/platform.txt file, the arduino upload crashed and then I got the results described in the first post.

Hi again ezhang887,

Unfortunately, it sounds like you may have fried your 9DoF Razor. We cannot help troubleshoot this issue since you were not following a SparkFun tutorial. Also, that tutorial is written for the [ATMega-based version of the Razor IMU so if you somehow managed to upload to the 9DoF Razor with the board definitions in that tutorial, most likely the board is bricked and may be unrecoverable. If you have a JTAG programmer and know what you are doing, you could potentially try and re-install the bootloader but that will probably be more trouble than it is worth. We have the bootloader hosted on the [9DoF Razor IMU GitHub Repository.](GitHub - sparkfun/9DOF_Razor_IMU: 9DOF Razor IMU available from SparkFun Electronics)](