artic r2 repeat rate

For our application we usually use devices with a 15s repeat rate rather than the 90s rate mentioned in the docs. Is this possible with these boards if we set up the higher repeat rate with the Argos service? Or are there other restrictions? Thanks for the help!


The ARTIC R2 is capable of transmitting every 15 seconds, but you would need permission from ARGOS to transmit that often. The standard interval is 90 seconds.

You need to take the TCXO (crystal) warm-up into account. Our library examples use 10 seconds. But this too can be adjusted if needed.

Please be aware that the ARTIC R2 chip is no longer available. The ARTIC R3 has improved functionality and has both the firmware and the Platform ID pre-programmed. But, the pinout is different and we don’t yet have an R3 breakout board designed and approved.

Best wishes,


Thanks for the information! To deal with warmup, if I set the TCXO auto disable control bit to remain active after an instruction, will the idle command then deactivate the TCXO when I want to stop transmitting when some conditions are met?

Thanks again!


You will need to experiment with this. If you set the auto disable bit, then, yes, the TCXO should remain on after transmission. To disable it again, I’m not sure. Clear the bit, then send Go-To-Idle sounds like a good place to start!

I was never quite sure of the ‘polarity’ of that bit. The manual says “Set if TCXO shall remain active after an instruction command”. I read that as “set to 1 if you want the TCXO to remain on”.

All the best,


Thanks for the help I’ll give it a try!