Battery Babysitter charge current switches and capacity

  1. On my battery babysitter, there is a plastic film over the EN1-EN2 switches, not mentioned in the documentation. It doesn’t want to come off easily. Do I force it off or manage the switches through the film?

  2. Do I need to set the batteries capacity with the Lipo.setCapacity function before I can charge a battery?

Thanks for any help. Fred

The plastic film is to seal the switch during manufacturing (when the board gets washed after soldering). You can either poke thru it or peel it off. Sometimes it helps to use an exacto knife to start peeling it off.


Hi Fred.

No, you don’t need to set the capacity before charging. That’s just in the sketch so that the sketch can calculate the state of charge and report it on the serial monitor. It doesn’t affect charging at all. :slight_smile: