Hello! We have been having ongoing issues with a setup that was recommended to us a few months ago. Very basic, with a WAV player, a LiPo Booster, recommended 3.7v battery, speaker, and and a reed switch interrupting the power to the WAV board (with a jumper on Trigger 1)
The setups worked for a while, but then we realized the batteries were not charging. The LEDs on the LiPo Boosters were indicating that they were charging properly but no power was going to the batteries when a voltmeter was used. When we used a LiPo Basic, or disconnected totally from the WAV player, the battery would charge.
After doing some more digging, i read about the amperage limitations for charging a battery while a load is connected. I am now trying to use the EN pins and EXT SW pins on the Booster/charger to make it so that I can charge the battery when it dies, and turn the WAV player on and off with one switch (we designed the objects off the original recommendation which did not include using the EXT SW or EN pins) - if at all possible, we need to figure out how to resolve this without adding an additional switch. Below is the results of my tests where I’ve transferred the switch from its original place (interrupting the power) to the EXT SW- neither with good results.
EN - jumped to ground
EXT SW - reed switch (no effect on WAV player)
charges (voltmeter reading on battery when connected to charger 3.25, increasing), but does not power board
EN- not jumped
EXT SW- reed switch (successfully activating/deactivating wav player)
powers board, does not charge (voltmeter reading on battery when connected to charger .15v, unchanging)
To clarify, I have 5 of these systems. I set up one external to the objects the others are encased in so that I can quickly and easily check for continuity, as well as swap out the components to the other systems to narrow down the possible issues. My connections are solid, the WAV players are functioning, and the switches seem to work interchangeably as well. I am certain it’s the LiPo booster unit (or the way I am using it)
any advice would be greatly appreciated! I’m having trouble uploading images, so I apologize for the lack of visual representation.