Bend Lab Sensor - Two axes only 1 working


I’ve purchased a dual axis bend labs sensor, but can only get one axis of good data and one axis of random wildly fluctuating data from it using the Bend Labs two-axis-ads-demo example code and an Adafruit M0 trinket as per the example from the Github. Has anyone else had experience with this sensor and obtained two good channels of data? I don’t have the SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini to try the Sparkfun example, and didn’t want to use it as we can’t use Bluetooth in the planned environment (hospital setting where it is still thought to affect pacemakers…). I’ve tried it with the SAM21 mini from sparkfun and an Arduino Mega with level shifting but they haven’t helped.


Hi Ross_36,

Sorry to hear you are having issues with one of the axes on your Bend Labs Flex Sensor. It most likely is an issue with the sensor but before we reach that conclusion, I have a few quick troubleshooting questions.

First, can you take a few photos of the sensor and the circuit(s) you have it in? Especially any soldering you may have done to the sensor. Next, are you using [this example with the various development boards you have tested it with? The Pro nRF52840 is just one example of a development board here but that example will work just fine with any other 3.3V board or 5V board with level shifting.

Also, if you have not tried it yet, run the [calibrate example from that same GitHub Repository to see if that helps with the erratic behavior. Finally, if running the calibrate or other examples does not help, can you take a screenshot of the serial plotter or serial monitor’s output showing the erratic data from the bad axis?](SparkFun_Displacement_Sensor_Arduino_Library/examples/Example3_Calibrate/Example3_Calibrate.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_Displacement_Sensor_Arduino_Library · GitHub)](SparkFun_Displacement_Sensor_Arduino_Library/examples/Example1_2Axis_BasicReadings/Example1_2Axis_BasicReadings.ino at main · sparkfun/SparkFun_Displacement_Sensor_Arduino_Library · GitHub)