I use a 1 axis sensor connected to a NRF52840 board. A few weeks before, I was able to switch between visualization of the angles through usb link or using Bluetooth link to blink the LED.
Wanting to merge both firmware in order to visualize the angle through Bluetooth link, I tried connect the NRF52840 board with the IDE tool but it appears impossible to compile and upload anyone of the two firmware.
It is said something like no Arduino.h file existing … (see picture).
I have checked that the IDE is working (with your Open Log Artemis), and I have tried to upload various Arduino files without success.
There is something path setttings, normally you do not even have to include Arduino.h as it is included (on the right moment) by default. Try to uncomment that line 21 and see what happens.
If it still fails :
can you share your complete sketch?
which NRF52840 board/ library do you use (there are many libraries that use this processor)
I don’t know why but, without changing anything, I have no problem to upload two sketches …
However :
. I did not manage to upload other “iAxis_Basic readings” software except the Example1_2Axis…
. Once uploaded the Blinky Button BLE software, I succeeded to send a command to change the LED, but I did not manage to get the changed value after changing the Pin13 button. The value never appears (see image).
This data return is important for me as I need to merge the BLE software with the Example1 Axis reading one in order to get the values though my smartphone.
It was indeed the 3 arrows on the right hand side., not left
if you use a standard SparkFun_nRF52840_Bluefruit_LED_Button.ino sketch this is the result I would expect as it is writing the button state :
// If our button state has changed:
int buttonState = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {
lastButtonState = buttonState;
// Write the new button state to the bleuart TX char