Bend Labs digital flex sensor calibrate example

I want to ask, are you still producing this sensor? If not, I also want to ask how to operate.

https://user-images.githubusercontent.c … 228425.png

This is use code link: … no_Library

Because the experiment is to use the code provided by you to make the bending sensor, and now the calibrate program code will fail to initialize when the sensor is calibrated, but the sensor address can be sensed normally. What is the reason for this?

This is the result of executing the SetI2Caddress example6:

https://user-images.githubusercontent.c … 17cd6a.png

This is the result of executing the calibrate example3:

https://user-images.githubusercontent.c … e8df5a.png

The reason for using the calibration code is because the value should be close to zero when it is placed flat for detection, but I used three sensors to measure, two of them are normal, and the value of one is always high and does not approach It is zero, so I use the calibration code to calibrate, but it appears false when the sensor is initialized, what is the reason?

We do not resale that product anymore - is the ‘high’ one in the photo? Just based on the photo, I would guess wire strain/bad leveling is an issue

But there is no problem with the wire itself, but the sensor keeps holding this error message. Is there any way to solve it?


Because I also use the Qwiic Flex Glove Controller, I am not very good at it yet, so I have a few questions for you to ask:

1.How can this sensor modify the address?

2.Need to disable the i2c pull-ups on all but one board when connecting them to the same bus/cabling, how to do this part?

Can someone tell me please? Thank you very much.

Follow the instructions I have sent you.

But there is no problem with my line itself, but when I do calibrate again, there will be an error just after initialization. What else could be the cause?


Your wiring is causing the device to flex…notice how it is bent while laying on a flat table

Straighten/secure the wiring to where it is not causing distortion


  1. I have placed the sensor flat on the table and adjusted the wires, but it still cannot be calibrated.

  2. Then I have another question, because I recently bought this bend labs flex sensor sensor, but the code provided by sparkfun seems to be unable to be used on the new bend lab flex sensor. Do you know why?

  3. Then I would like to ask you, why does sparkfun pro nrf52840 report this error.

I followed this link: … 1689765444

https://user-images.githubusercontent.c … e2b435.png