Hi all,
Recently bought a bluesmirf Silver (v2) and can not enter to command mode through bt conexion.
After i bought a RS232 Shifter SMD to connect directly at the bluesmirf to enter in command mode (The sparkfun tech suport (Tim) confirm me the bluesmirf silver only can enter to command mode through connect directly at TTL whith the Shifter)
I hav two days attemp to enter in command mode but i not had luck.
I configured the por with 9600 baud rate, 8 bit data, parity none, 1 bit stop and not flow control. (9600,8,0,1,0)
I tested with the hiperteminal, Tera term, docklight… but not luck.
I have link the cts-i/ and rts-0 pins in the bluesmirf and powered all at 3.3V.
The red led at the bluesmirf is always on and then green led at the shirter(tx) blinks when I write something from the hiperteminal but nothing happens when i write +++ to enter at command mode.
Does anyone have the same problem? I appreciate any help.