BOB12009 5v to 3.3 not linear

I may be mis-applying this board. I have a 100 PSI pressure sensor that is putting out .5 to 4.8 volts. When the sensor delivers 3.3 volts and above, the LV output is at 3.3. See table below for clarification.

1V HV input = 1v LV output

2v HV input = 2v LV output

3.3v HV input = 3.3v LV output

4v HV input = 3.3v LV output

5v HV input = 3.3v LV output

My understanding of what is supposed to happen is as follows.

1v HV input = .66v LV output

2v HV input = 1.32v LV output

3v HV input = 1.98v LV output

4v HV input = 2.64v LV output

5v HV input = 3.3v LV output

Thank you for your assistance.

I think you need an analog converter - this board/mosfets are digital, meaning they will generally only output HIGH (5v/3v) or LOW (0v) for data lines. Check out the product’s datasheet … n97055.pdf, which illustrates how it works a bit

I don’t believe we currently carry any, but you should be able to find something…just be sure to find a ‘converter/shifter’ that is analog

Hope this helps!