Boron LTE (one out of 4 devices not connecting to cellular)

Hello! First time posting on here. I bought 5 total and all others are connected to cellular and one is not connecting. The signal doesn’t seems to be the problem because i’ve put them side by side and the other one is working. I’ve tried reclaiming it but it doesn’t work. I’ve pressed 10 sec+ on mode for resetting, that doesn’t do it either. I’m coming to a conclusion of that the boron I got is a defect. Please help! Thank you.


It definitely sounds like one of your 5 Boron LTE Development Boards is defective. Can you elaborate a bit on how you have been testing them to confirm the issue? Is it simply the cellular module that is not working or is the entire board DOA? Were you able to get through any of the setup process with the malfunctioning Boron? Also, is the RGB on the malfunctioning Boron flashing a color code?

I found a similar troubleshooting thread on [Particle’s Community Forums. Try reading through that and, if possible, test some of the suggestions laid out by the Particle team there.](No Cellular on Boron - Troubleshooting - Particle)