Can LuMini LED Ring be used as a "dumb led"


Can the 1" LuMini LED ring be wired for use without a micro-controller? For my application I need only solid blue light.

Hi jsera,

A short answer is no, the LuMini LED Rings require a microcontroller to function. The LuMini boards are built with APA102 LEDs that need a signal from a microcontroller to function. The [Hookup Guide for the LuMini Ring goes into this in more detail.

We do not really have any solid color LED rings available but you could possibly use something like this [LED Ribbon or [Blue EL Wire instead.](EL Wire - Blue 3m - COM-10195 - SparkFun Electronics)](Sewable LED Ribbon - 1m, 50 LEDs (Blue) - COM-14138 - SparkFun Electronics)](LuMini Ring Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)