Charging LiPo with SparkFun RedBoard Artemis Nano

I wasn’t able to find how to charge my LiPo with a sparkfun redboard artemis nano. Can you please assist me?

You just plug it it while powering the board @ 5v
See guide (scroll up one paragraph) for more info, and schematic for detailed diagramming

I just swapped my board with another redboard nano I have, and the charge works perfectly. When I first hooked up my original redboard, the battery had a different polarity, which I’m guessing damaged the charge circuit. Now it works though.

Important thing to note, is that the RedBoard Nano is set to charge Lipo batteries at 500 mA by default. If your battery is smaller than 500 mAh, don’t charge it until you modify the board for a lower charge rate (I forget how, I think it’s just swapping out one of the resistors).

The typical recommendation for charging lipo batteries is that they be charged at 1C or lower, that is, don’t try to charge them in a way that it will go from 0-100% in less than an hour.

I had a small 110 mAh battery (PRT-13853 from Sparkfun), and plugged it into the battery port on a Sparkfun dev board to charge — I had NOT modified it to a lower charge current, it was still the default 500 mA — and an hour or two later I came back and the battery was all expanded and about ready to explode. Be careful with lipo batteries — especially the small ones, in this case!!

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