Connect BlueSMiRF to OpenLog Artemis with FTDI to UBS-C Cable?

I’m trying to connect a [BlueSMiRF Gold board to an [OpenLog Aretemis with the[FTDI to USB-C cable.

I can connect to the BT module wirelessly and get a command prompt when I send $$$, but I’m not seeing any output from the OLA’s USB-C console.

If I connect to the OLA from a PC with a standard USB-C cable, it works fine.

My two concerns are:

  • - The OLA doesn't work with the FTDI cable due to some driver conflict.
  • - The FTDI cable is 3v3 logic and the BT module needs 5V.
  • Any thoughts?](](](

    The USB socket on the OLA is a intended to be connected to a host device like a computer and won’t work with a end device like a FTDI.

    What you’re going to need to do is connect the two with a logic level converter in-between to change the OLA’s 3.3 volt logic to 5 volts that your Bluetooth module is looking for. PRT-14765 should work fine for that. :slight_smile:

    Thanks, So the UBS-C to FTDI cable won’t work. It sounds like you’re saying I should get a cable with USB-C on one end and connect that to the BT module through the Logic Level Converter.

    I haven’t yet cut a USB-C cable open but it looks like I should have:

  • - VBUS - 5V Connect to VIN on LLC
  • - GND
  • - CC1
  • - CC2
  • - D-
  • - D+
  • The BlueSMiRF has the following pins:
  • - CTS-I
  • - VCC - Connect to VOUT 5V
  • - GND
  • - TX-O
  • - RX-I
  • - RTS-J
  • Looking at the [[OLA schematic](, it looks like CC1 and CC2 are just pulled to ground, so can be ignored leaving the differential pair D+ and D-. It doesn't seem to me that these can be connected directly to RX and TX even if voltage levels were corrected. Am I wrong?](

    No, what I’m saying is that you can’t use USB at all, you will need to connect the modules RX, TX and GND pins to the OLA’s TX, RX and GND pins but since the RX and TX pins are 5 volt on one end and 3.3 volts on the other you will need a logic level converter that goes between the two boards.

    The OLA’s RX and TX can’t be used for the console. They only support serial logging or log output. I would like remote BT access to the console so I can download data files wirelessly.

    Unfortunately the pads you need to do that are not broken out on the board. The only way around this would be to remove the USB to serial converter chip on the board and solder directly to the RX/TX pads but that chip is tiny and it’s not likely you’d be able to connect a wire too them.

    If you don’t need serial logging you might be able to modify the firmware to allow console access over the RX/TX pads that are broken out but you’re going to need to know what you’re doing as far as modifying the code to make that work. Sadly we’re not able to assist with that.

    Just follow up incase anyone finds this.

    I was able to successfully connect a BlueSMiRF bluetooth module to the OLA’s USB-C port and access the console wirelessly. The key was to use a [USB Host Board from with the Serial software option. As cool as that board is, it may no longer be necessary. As of firmware 1.9, the console is available on the RX & TX pins.](