Connecting Sparkfun Surveyor to SiK Telemetry Radio V3

Initially I thought I had the wrong cable, but after some fiddling, it turned out that the cable supplied doesn’t seat correctly. It just barely works for a base unit, but any vibration that a rover would normally experience might wiggle the plug out because it doesn’t go far down enough to latch. The other cable latches correctly in the rover Surveyor but also will not latch in the base Surveyor.

Drats! If you pull it out, can you see anything in the way, malformed, or bent pins? Sometimes the plastic housing can have a bit of extra plastic or a pin that is not straight, try seeing if there’s something specific stopping it from fully seating

I’ve also seen one where the black device housing was slightly in the way, fixed by just barely unscrewing the main screws and adjusting it a bit

Do you mind taking a close up photo of the port/pins and cable connector?

PS I like the fabric!

Having two Surveyors, I had two cables, so I swapped them. Both cables seated in the more recent Surveyor and both cables failed to seat in this Surveyor. I’d lean toward letting the cable off the hook.

There’s another photo of the plug but your site keeps giving me back a generic HTTP error.

There’s another photo of the plug but your site keeps giving me back a generic HTTP error. With my trusty 8X magnifier I can’t see anywhere the plug touches the case.

Ok, yea it looks like the case might be slightly out-of-whack…try unscrewing the 2 bottom-side screws … sed-03.jpg a bit and try jostling/re-seating the top+bottom around the plastic port-panel and just keep patient and wiggly

While it is apart you can test to verify that the plastic housing on the surveyor is the issue (insert cable to test while open) - it can be a bit frustrating to align everything, but that the quickest way to get it goin :slight_smile: