DE2120, SEN-18088 Scanner module beeps randomly


I have 10, DE2120 scanner modules, that I have running with separate microcontrollers running at the same time. I have noticed that they beep randomly for no apparent reason. They are in motion activated mode. I thought that the issue might be related to having no pullup resistor on the trigger pin, but when I activated the trigger pin by grounding the trigger pin the board did not beep.

Does anyone know what might be causing the random beeping?

I’m not seeing a ‘motion activated mode’ … 4.6___.pdf (are you just referring to the general trigger mode?) - but my first guess would be that maybe the devices are ‘browning out’ and resetting themselves, performing a startup beep? You could test this by disabling the startup beep (scan code in link) and see if they continue to beep while running

Also, just to be sure, it’s for sure the scanner that is the device beeping? Are all 10 doing the same thing?

I’m guessing he’s talking about the Sense mode (p. 29)