dev-13743 will not work

I have a project with an Arduino Nano, GPS Module, SPI SSD1306 Display, and a micro-SD module. I am trying to replace the micro-SD module because it is 5V only. All parts are working properly under 5V.

I purchased your DEV-13743 because it was listed as being compatible with 3.3V systems. However if I connect it to the Nano any sketch does not recognize the sd card.

Plus if I connect the DEV-13743 the display gets corrupted after a few seconds

Attached is a diagram of the original circuit

I have the dev-13743 connected as follows:

VCC to Nano 5V

GND to Nano GND

CS to Nano 4

DI to Nano 11

SCK to Nano 13

DO to Nano 12

I can’t seem to get image files of any type to upload so here is the original circuit diagram

Any help is greatly appreciated

Hi, thanks for posting. We are aware of the image issues and we are working on it. My apologies for the inconvenience.

dev-13743 should be able to work with 3.3v systems, strange that is causing so many issues. If you want to file a return ticket we can look into the issue further:

Cheers for now. Hope we can fix the issue soon.

I did not order directly from sparkfun. Will file return with vendor

I hope I can catch you before you return your products!

Looking at your diagram, it seems you’ve tied I2C and SPI lines together. Are you able to try with them separate?