Do my components hit the enclosure?...3D capability


does Eagle or Pulsonix have a 3D capability, so i can import the 3D enclosure from say solidworks, into the PCB program, and then see if my caps and transistors etc are hitting the inside of the enclosure?

-and preferably allow me to move the components so they no longer hit the inside of the enclosure?

There is “[Generate_3D_data.ulp” available for download at Cadsoft which should allow you to import EAGLE diamention data into Solidworks.

Easy if you use CircuitWorks…](

See : Eagle3D

Eagle3D translates CadSoft Computer’s EAGLE Layout Editor 2D layout into a 3-dimensional view using the POV-Ray ray trace program.

POV-Ray - The Persistence of Vision Raytracer

Pulsonix can export a 3D IDF file that can be imported into Solidworks and other packages.