Eagle Gerber output using batch pcb cam but when drc bot...

Eagle Gerber output using batch pcb cam but when drc bot returns a image of what it thinks it should do. Their are no holes in the board… Now The gerber viewers I think show them. Could this be that I named my copper layer as a lower or higher letter in the alphebet and one picture covered the other?

I did not switch other things than the defalt and batch pcb eagle tutorial cam file.

The BatchPCB bot doesn’t show the holes. So you won’t know if your holes actually made it correctly to BatchPCB until you get your boards.

Most Gerber viewers (I use GC-Prevue) show drill holes, if the drill file is loaded as well as the Gerbers. Most PCB manufacturers don’t like drill holes in their Gerbers, and either reject them, or remove them with their CAM software. The software I use will optionally put drill holes in the plot files, and I have sometimes forgotten to remove them.


I see the drill homes as in a gerber viewer I have not seen the drill homes as a return from the drc bot.