EAGLE question : named nets

Is it possible to “declare” pins ? To have a “named net”, so to speak ?

Say I have 5 pins +12V all over my board, in order to feed LED’s. I do not really want to see the connections between them in the schematic. If they were just labeled “+12V” and get connected in the board layout, that would be great.

Is this possible ?

Happy Easter !

This is possible. Just give your net a name and make this name visible - there are commands for that; in Eagle 4, they are called "name’ and ‘label’, Eagle 5 should be similar.

I rarely have unnamed nets, having something meaningful instead of default N$xx is a huge help during routing.

for power pins, this is already done. There is an implied connection. But your power net needs to have the same name. And you might have to change the part to name the pins what you want. VDD, VCC and +5V are common names - there is no standardization.

To carry felis’ point further. You can have seperate net segments with the same name and they will be connected. So I often make a short segment connected to a given pin and name it something meaning full. Any other segment named the same is connected. For example, I put two short segments comingout of a PIC OSC1 and OSC2 (connected to the obvious uC pins). Elsewhere in theschematic, I have the crystal and caps with two segments named OSC1 and OSC2, No physical connection in the schematic but they are connected.