ESP32-S2 thing plus - connection to com port

Hey all,

I’m on my second thing plus and have been able to get the arduino IDE set up for this board but have yet to be able to get an active com port connection. When I connect to the board, I get the familiar ‘ding’ on my laptop, but the IDE only shows com3 which is NOT connected to the thing plus board.

I’ve been able to connect all my other boards, a DUE, a Leonardo and a Mega 2560. Each time, with the ‘bing’ I get a new com port for which my laptop found the new connection.

I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, or not doing, but I’m apparently not getting past this w/o help. So, if anyone has info, please HELP!! :roll:

It requires a specific driver install … e-overview

Also note: If the blue LED remains dimly lit, it’s probably still sitting in the bootloader. After uploading a sketch, users may need to tap the RESET button to get your ESP32-S2 Thing Plus to begin running the sketch

Yeah, I was about to post that I found that info deep in the literature and have downloaded the driver (CP210X…) and installed it. However, upon re-running the sketch (simple blinky sketch), I get back “A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S2 not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument?” Which, as you already pointed out, shuts off the blue LED (Status LED).

Now, I guess, I’m left w/o option until Arduino updates their board libaries for the thing plus to include the esp32-s2 (which is on my version of the feather thing that I have.)

??? thoughts ???