Facet battery life

We’ve purchased 2 Facet L receivers to use as base stations for post processing. Haven’t used them yet but have done some testing. In the first instance we had one running in our shop overnight logging at 1 Hz via a GPS repeater. It ran for 18 hrs and wasn’t close to a dead battery.

Yesterday we ran one outside for 4 hrs using exact same config and the battery went down 80%! Because of sloppiness I don’t know if it was the same receiver. Also it was quite warm yesterday, about 90° F.

We are going to do more testing, but I’d like to know what experience others have had. How long should these typically run on the internal battery alone?


My employees have several thousand hours on Facet L-Bands. They can go 2-3 workdays in the SouthEast USA (very hot) easily without recharging the Facets. The 6Ah Li-Po (if I remember correctly) gives it a significant power budget under normal usage.

I think you are experiencing something uncommon at 4 hours.

Thanks @rftop. I’ve done a little more careful testing and they both seem to be depleting at the same rate. Currently they’ve been running for 14 hrs and still have over 40% battery remaining, which is great for my purposes.

I did have a problem with 1 where it wouldn’t start after coming off an overnight charge. Hooking it back up to the charge while booting resolved that, but it’s definitely not the desired behavior.