Facet L-band won't boot after sitting off

This is our second facet and it’s got problems. The employee that had is said he charged it overnight and the next day it would not power on. I got it from him and verified that it in fact would not turn on, no splash image, nothing. I charged it for about 40 minutes on the way back to the office and once I got there it just magically worked again. Battery was completely full. And as we know, these things do not charge from dead to full in 40 minutes. So it definitely wasn’t a dead battery. So then, I ran it for about 18 hours until it was almost dead again, fully charged it, checked it several times, and then left it overnight. This morning it again would not power on. Eventually after trying to turn it on several times, holding the button for ~30 seconds, spamming it as fast as I could, etc, it finally flashed. After that I was able to press the button like normal and get it to power up and again, back to normal. I hooked up a charger to it and the light only stayed on for about 3 minutes indicating it was still basically fully charged from yesterday. It will not turn on and off just fine again. But this is the second time this has happened so something is definitely off.

I have another Facet L-band and have never had this issue before. Any insights would be appreciated.

Sorry, that should have read “It will NOW turn on and off just fine again.”

Hi @jothite - As with all support for RTK products: You are welcome to return the device to us as we’ll take care of it. Or you if want to try to fix it yourself, we’ll help you along the way.

If you don’t mind, can we try a new flow chart with you?

If you want to open the unit, instructions are here.

Please keep us updated either way.

I’d be happy to try troubleshooting some. @swells responded in the old forum but those messages aren’t here. He asked about heat and humidity. It was hot and dry outside when the issue first happened (90s, dusty). When the issue happened again it was still hot but had gotten humid after storms. The radio had been indoors for a long time the second time though. Both of those time nothing at all showed up on the screen.

Then I had a boot failure a third time and it showed static across the bottom half of the screen. The static changed once and then it turned back off. It did boot up correctly after that.

Here’s a link to the old thread for reference: Facet L-band won't boot after sitting off - SparkFun Electronics Forum

We suspect it may be a full display failure. Please start an RMA. We’ll get it fixed and returned in a few days.