Facet Gather PPP data in rover mode...what about GNSS Menu dynamic model setting

When gathering 24hrs of PPP data, the guide says to collect in Rover mode.

What about the wifi connected GUI setting regarding the Dynamic Model under the Configure GNSS menu? It defaults to “portable” but there is a setting for “fixed”. Is this the setting that changes when you use the LCD to switch from Base to Rover?

https://docs.sparkfun.com/SparkFun_RTK_ … gure_gnss/



The short answer is no…base/rover is switching whether it is outputting or inputting the correction data

The dynamic model appears to be a set of processing algorithms meant to help filter noisy data from a specific use-case (see pg 22 here https://cdn.sparkfun.com/assets/learn_t … 10802_.pdf which covers the types and then read about rover/base selections elsewhere in the same guide)

You are welcome to set the Dynamic Model to Stationary during a 24-hour capture of PPP data. I haven’t tested how much better the data is since a 24-hour capture using the default Portable Model gets us to +/-3mm. YMMV.

Is this the setting that changes when you use the LCD to switch from Base to Rover?

In general, we set the dynamic model to whatever the user requests, regardless of the state the unit is in. However, we believe u-blox does some module configuration that we don’t have visibility into when the RTK device starts a Survey-In type Base. I believe the ZED reconfigures itself to Stationary during this phase but we cannot say for sure.