I am looking to set up a rover/base pair for tracking the position of athletes during dynamic sports movements. I’ve read through most of the information linked on the product page and in some of these forum posts, and I have some lingering questions about suitability of this system for my application before I drop $$$ on parts. Apologies if these are dumb questions, but sometimes it is hard to evaluate whether a product will work for you when you don’t have it in your hands yet to try…
Antennas on rovers: Sounds like you need a ground plate. Any thoughts on how to put a ground plate on a human doing dynamic sports movements? Are there other options that might work?
Power supply and data storage on rovers: All the examples I’m seeing look like your rover needs to be plugged in via USB to both have power and to transmit data (despite having a backup battery). Can you run the whole thing wirelessly (ie from a battery) and store/log data on the board? Do you need a separate storage chip to do this? If this is possible, how would you communicate with the board to start/stop logging?
Sample rates using real-time RTCM corrections vs applying after-the-fact: all the examples I’ve seen include streaming RTCM in real-time over bluetooth or serial. I don’t need my location data in real time, but I do need the sub-mm accuracy that comes with the RTCM corrections, and at the best sample rate I can achieve up to 100hz. Is it possible to synchronize clocks between the two boards (base and rover), store the data, and then apply the corrections from the base after-the-fact? In doing so, how much would I be able to increase my sample rate?
If you are collecting RTCM data to apply the correction in post-processing (rather than in real-time), do you need a wifi connection at the time of data collection?