Facet L Band - trouble with onboard N-Trip

Hi Team,

I am having some trouble using the onboard NTRIP. Before you ask, I cant use Lband corrections as they are not available in Australia.

This is for my own app that i am working on.

Few points that maybe relevant:

  • I can use NTRIP through SW maps without issue, all the same details, gets down to 14mm.

  • I am using the Facet in BLE mode, not SPP, when I connect to SW maps i use SPP.

  • I have tried using my home Wifi and Hotspot from my phone with the same issue.

  • If I enable NTRIP over Wifi, I seem to have to reenable it every time? Any other settings are saved just fine.

  • I have also tried over serial, same issues.

  • I get the ‘Connecting Wifi’ on the Facet display pretty often.
  • Hopefully someone has some ideas?


    Hey jm32145,

    This is an interesting issue. I don’t have a solid answer for you yet, just wanted to let you know that someone else is working on it too. What firmware version are you running? Also, is there any debug output about NTRIP in the serial config menu when you set up the on-board NTRIP client?

    If you don’t mind me asking, why did you go for the L-Band version if it doesn’t cover your region?

    Additionally, we currently have a super secret project we are working on that would have coverage in the southern portions of Australia using IP based PointPerfect corrections. You can see the coverage on this map: https://www.u-blox.com/en/pointperfect-service-coverage. If you’d be interested in testing it (and you have access to covered areas), let me know.

    Okay, got some more testing done for the on-device NTRIP client:

    I suggest disabling PointPerfect to keep any Wifi connection conflicts from occurring. (Serial Config: P → 1 )

    I had to set Caster User Name to my actual email. I’m not sure how rtk2go (or whatever NTRIP Caster you are using) does email verification, but test@test.com doesn’t pass it. With a bad email entered, a debug message mentioning error 200, sandboxed mode is displayed on the Serial Config menu; so you can connect successfully, but the Caster won’t send you RTCM.

    I noticed that my Mountpoint PW was set to undefined. I just re-entered a blank value, then it was corrected. The User Password should also be set correctly for your use case.

    I did experience the NTRIP client disabling itself on restart, but only when I had bad credentials in. I think there may be a bug in the way we handle storing/retrieving these values the first time the client is activated. Tomorrow I’ll play around with recreating this with a freshly flashed device.

    Thanks for that swells,

    Firmware is V4.0

    I’ll check the debug output, though I’m not super familiar with what i’m looking at.

    I went for the L band version because at the time I was under the impression there was coverage, however it turns out while we can get Point Perfect corrections, we can’t get L band apparently.

    I go into more depth in this post: viewtopic.php?f=116&t=59625&p=241696#p241424

    I’d absolutely be interested. I’m in Victoria.

    Im using Auscors for corrections currently: https://gnss.ga.gov.au/stream

    I’ve tried Caster User Name with both username, and email.

    I already had PointPerfect disabled it seems.

    Here is the debug message I am getting:

    NTRIP Client sending server request:

    GET /KNOX00AUS0 HTTP/1.0

    User-Agent: NTRIP SparkFun_RTK_Facet L-Band_v4.0

    Authorization: Basic am0zMjQxNTptTXI2S3FRcVZLcUdMOEMh

    NTRIP Client waiting for response from ntrip.data.gnss.ga.gov.au:2101


    Caster Response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    Connection: close

    400 Bad Request

    NTRIP Client connected but caster responded with problem: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    Connection: close

    Any thoughts?

    All sorted now!

    I connected the receiver to my computer over wifi (previously only connected to phone or via tera term) and had a look at the mount point. It had this blank box before mount point? It wasn’t there on my phone or over serial - deleted that, and it works just fine.

    Also, I think the NTRIP client being off on restart was from having too many failed connections.

    Thanks Again!