Facet v3.7 not passing bluetooth data to any device outside of Profile 1


I am a new Facet owner, I’ve been configuring the unit for several days. I’ve updated the firmware to v 3.7 and 1.32. I’ve configured several profiles for different locations, but the bluetooth data being passed to the Android device only populates in SWmaps for the first profile. I’ve tried this on an iPhone and have the same issue, the device connects, but the data doesn’t populate any fields, although saying it is connected.

Any insight would be very helpful.



I presented this in the bluetooth forum, I thought it might help to post it here also.

To get data to an iPhone, you have to use BLE. Whereas Android you have to use Bluetooth SPP. I suspect either the Bluetooth setting (SPP vs BLE) is not propagating through different profiles, or you’re trying to connect SW Maps in SPP mode when the RTK Facet is in BLE mode (or vice versa).

My testing with two profiles and an Android phone shows no obvious problems. The profile correctly retains/loads the BLE or BT Classic setting. I’m able to connect and fill data over SW Maps on Android: BT Classic requires the ‘SparkFun RTK’ instrument model, BLE requires the 'Generic NMEA (Bluetooth LE) Instrument model.

I can help troubleshoot your Android setup but I’ll be less helpful on the iOS front.

Quick check - is the device outside for at least a minute while your connecting? If the device has no GNSS reception then there is nothing to populate in SW Maps.

Hello Sparky,

Thank you for your help, I have been able to swop from the Classic Bluetooth to BLE without problems, I can connect either iPhone and Android device without issue to the first profile, while other profiles show connected data does not pass to the receiver. I have reflashed both the Facet firmware v3.7 and the F9 v1.32 but that seemed to have no effect.

The device is on and connected to GNSS and Ntrip for 10 plus minutes during the testing sessions.

There is one other issue I have with the bluetooth, I can not pass serial data via the bluetooth COM port to my laptop running Tera Term, I’ve added the driver which shows in dev manager bluetooth over serial ports available.

Thanks again for your help,


Well I spent today trying to get Float/Fix just DGPS. I understand that there were caster issues which prevented connections. I tried a number of different providers most seemed to have issues.

I set up the Facet in Base Mode, it started to xmitt and caster in no time, I checked with several different devices, iOS and Android, I even tried to connect the Android tablet via usb cable for a serial connection, but I didn’t get any data. I tried Tera Term using the bluetooth USB ports and guess what data flowed to my laptop!

I thought this isn’t supposed to happen in base mode? I can see that the icon shows the letters for the device, if I initiate a blutooth USB connection from the laptop the Facet accepts the connection as the icon becomes the bluetooth symbol and the arrow shows downloads. Today was the perfect opportunity to test different profiles using different caster providers to try to find a connection for a Fix.

Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


What you are seeing is correct. In base mode the device will report NMEA and RTCM data over Bluetooth. If you have the NTRIP Server enabled, and the device is connected to a NTRIP Caster, just RTCM will be transmitted there. Once the base has fixed (either through fixed coordinates or a survey-in) the NMEA location won’t change (because it’s fixed), but the RTCM will.

If you view the data at the RADIO port, the stream will be only RTCM (no NMEA) for lighter radio transport.

If you connect the device to a caster service in base mode, only RTCM will be broadcast to the caster.

I set up the Facet in Base Mode, it started to xmitt and caster in no time, I checked with several different devices, iOS and Android, I even tried to connect the Android tablet via usb cable for a serial connection, but I didn’t get any data.

The device will not transmit RTCM over the USB connection. That is for configuration. RTCM is only transmitted over Bluetooth, WiFi and the RADIO port.

I tried a number of different providers most seemed to have issues.

What do you mean by this? What issues are you seeing? A base must be within 10-20km of the rover for the corrections to be good enough to achieve RTK Fix.

The CRTN California Real Time Network is transitioning to a cloud base system and the zone I am in is not connecting to any satellites, so no Fix.

What you are seeing is correct. In base mode the device will report NMEA and RTCM data over Bluetooth. If you have the NTRIP Server enabled, and the device is connected to a NTRIP Caster, just RTCM will be transmitted there. Once the base has fixed (either through fixed coordinates or a survey-in) the NMEA location won’t change (because it’s fixed), but the RTCM will.

If you view the data at the RADIO port, the stream will be only RTCM (no NMEA) for lighter radio transport.

If you connect the device to a caster service in base mode, only RTCM will be broadcast to the caster.

OK cool but what is stopping the bluetooth data to pass on other profiles?

The CRTN California Real Time Network is transitioning to a cloud base system and the zone I am in is not connecting to any satellites, so no Fix.

I realize it’s not free, but you can setup your own base, or use a paid service like Skylark or PointOneNav: https://app.pointonenav.com/trial?src=sparkfun (~$50 / mnth).

OK cool but what is stopping the bluetooth data to pass on other profiles?

I cannot replicate this on Android. It works fine for me. Are you able to get other profiles to work with SPP and BLE using Android? I’m trying to pin down whether this is an Android/iOS thing, or a RTK Firmware thing. Everything I’m seeing is that it’s an iOS thing.


I am having a similar problem with my unit I just recently purchased. I can connect to the GPS unit via Bluetooth(SPP) on android (S23 Ultra). SWmaps does connect to the unit and can send correction to the unit, however no data is being transmitted from the GPS unit to SWmaps. I have also tried this with Carlson SurvPC, Bluetooth connection times out. Further investigation has found that no data was being transmitted out of the data port and Bluetooth com port. As a temporary workaround I can connect directly to the ublox receiver via USB com port. So this leads me to believe that there is an issue with the ESP32 com ports?



Hi Logan, what model of RTK product do you have? Is it Facet, Facet L-Band, Express, Express Plus, or Surveyor?

Sorry for forgetting to mention which one, I have a RTK Facet.

Used an app called Serial Bluetooth Terminal. This produced the same result, data only passing on the first profile, even though the unit says connected. I tried different profiles changing the bluetooth parameter, Serial Bluetooth Terminal allowed me to connect Classic or BLE, both connected but when using SW Maps on Android with the BLE parameter the app would not bring up the Ntrip Client. Both IOS and Android have the same connection issue, first profile only.

ps: CRTN still having problems but igs-ip.net is working with the same casters, so I got a RTK Fix in under a minute today.

I believe the problem stems from a configuration item, I created profiles and swopped the configuration parameter AP to WIFI, that sets the Facet to reboot the ip address as, this profile will no longer pass bluetooth data although it shows a connection, for either IOS or Android connections. The fix is to delete the profile and set the profile back to factory specs and repopulate the data by hand.