SparkFun Facet

What software do I use to pair a SparkFun Facet with an Android in order to use Survey123. My curent Bluetooth GNSS software that I used with Trimble devices will not pair with the Sparkfun and I do not know of any other available software.

We recommend running SW Maps on the Android sending data over bluetooth, then figure out how to pass that data onward to your other apps

Thanks - that’s an extra step and we are still using and pay for the Survey123 software for our other devices. It would be better to have one program to use for all devices and I don’t think it doesn’t seem like a big ask.

Additionally, we would have to rewrite our SOPs for what seems like a trivial reason. Is SW maps even capable of importing data from a KMZ and/or Shapefile to use while in the field, anyway?

I have tried the SW Maps and it doesn’t seem to be connecting to that either. My android is connected via bluetooth to the Facet. See my screenshot below for the error message.

I’ve also had difficulty recently with the Facet staying connected to my Android (I tried two different Androids with the same result). Could these issues be related?

You can try a couple more things:

See if it’ll pair to a PC/laptop … bluetooth/ and/or change the bluetooth mode being used

Hook it up over serial and access the menus … re_update/ and perhaps update the firmware and try again from there - note that the GUI method has been preferred by some users

If none of that gets it going, head over to and we’ll likely need to send it back for repair