SparkFun Surveyor Wont Work with SW Maps

I bought the SparkFun Surveyor kit and have been trying to use it as a rover via SW Maps on my google pixel android phone. When I open the app, I can connect via bluetooth to the surveyor, however it does not generate any positions for lat/lon. Those fields (and all other fields) remain empty even though it says it is connected. This happened with the antenna from the kit attached to the surveyor and outside under a clear sky. To test if it was a hardware issue, I connected the surveyor to my windows PC via the config/ublox port and tested it using u-blox (u-center 2). Through u-blox I was able to receive lat/lon information correctly. Not sure what the issue is, or why it wonā€™t work with SW Maps on android via bluetooth when it is working with u-blox via a wired connection to my windows pc.


Many thanks for reporting this. Just a heads-up that Sparky - our RTK expert - is away for a few days. He will reply once heā€™s back from the wildā€¦

Best wishes,


Jack, while Sparky is indeed the expert here, maybe I can help.

In SW Maps, when you setup the connection to the RTK Express (in SW Mapsā€™s ā€œBluetooth GNSSā€ menu), did you select ā€œSparkFun RTKā€ as the instrument type before you connected? This probably isnā€™t the cause of your issue, but just checking.

After you connect SW Maps to your RTK Surveyor, can you open the GNSS Status menu in SW Maps and post a screen shot please?



Thanks for trying to help. I have verified that I have selected ā€˜SparkFun RTKā€™ as the instrument type before connection. Iā€™ll post a couple screen shots below of what it looks like after it is connected.

(Thanks Tony and Paul for giving me a few days off :slight_smile:

Hi Jack - Great troubleshooting so far. I recommend starting with a Factory Reset: ā€¦ em_status/

Please take a screenshot of the status menu so we can see whatā€™s online vs offline.

My guess is that the ZED is sending serial messages to the ESP32 at the wrong baud rate. A reset should fix it.

(Thanks Tony and Paul for giving me a few days off :slight_smile:

Hi Jack - Great troubleshooting so far. I recommend starting with a Factory Reset: ā€¦ em_status/

Please take a screenshot of the status menu so we can see whatā€™s online vs offline.

My guess is that the ZED is sending serial messages to the ESP32 at the wrong baud rate. A reset should fix it.

Hello, Iā€™m happy to try this however I am finding these instructions confusing. Iā€™m not sure how to actually get to the system status menu. The link you posted just describes what the menu is, not how to get to it. If you could please send more detailed instructions on how to complete these steps I would be happy to try it.

The System menu can be access via a serial terminal: ā€¦ th_serial/

The System menu can be access via a serial terminal: ā€¦ th_serial/

I am able to open a serial terminal, and set bps to 115200 like the directions indicate, however no configuration menu pops up when I press any key as the directions indicate should happen. Iā€™ve tried at the default 9600 and 115200 baudrate. I just keep getting rapid readings from the antenna. Iā€™ve tried Tera Term and CoolTerm, neither allow me to get to the configuration menu. Could you please advise in more detail how to get to the configuration menu. Thanks

Ok - I got to the config menu (I was previously plugging into the ublox port instead of the esp32 port). There is no option for a system status menu once I enter the config menu. My config menu looks different than the one in the instructions, having several different options. I tried doing the ā€œreset all settings to defaultā€ option. That seems to have completed successfully, but when I try to connect it to SW Maps via bluetooth, I get the same issue as before. I have posted a screenshot here of the menu, the reset, and the startup information provided after the reset. Please advise what the next steps are to fixing this issue.

Also not sure if this is helpful or not, but I was able to connect my android device (google pixel) to the sparkfun via a usb-c to usb-c connection. After doing this, I am able to receive GPS information on SW Maps through the ā€œUSB Serial GNSSā€ menu. I would still strongly prefer to get the bluetooth working, but wanted to provide this information in case it assists with debugging the issue.

Thanks for the screen shots. That helps! Youā€™re on v1.8. Weā€™re currently operating on v2.3. Iā€™d recommend updating: ā€¦ re_update/ If youā€™re a windows user, itā€™s pretty easy: ā€¦ indows-gui

But I donā€™t think firmware is causing your BT issue. Double check a slide switch didnā€™t get set wrong. ā€¦ itches.jpg

In the above image there are two slide switches on the mainboard. Would you mind pulling the two screws from the back of the unit and confirming both are slid up?

Directly connecting via a USB C cable is workable but letā€™s not go down that path since Bluetooth really should be working.

Thanks for the screen shots. That helps! Youā€™re on v1.8. Weā€™re currently operating on v2.3. Iā€™d recommend updating: ā€¦ re_update/ If youā€™re a windows user, itā€™s pretty easy: ā€¦ indows-gui

But I donā€™t think firmware is causing your BT issue. Double check a slide switch didnā€™t get set wrong. ā€¦ itches.jpg

In the above image there are two slide switches on the mainboard. Would you mind pulling the two screws from the back of the unit and confirming both are slid up?

Directly connecting via a USB C cable is workable but letā€™s not go down that path since Bluetooth really should be working.

I opened the device up and when I checked the switches the lower one (NMEA) was in the middle position, not all the way up. When I corrected this so both switches were up, bluetooth connection became successful. I am able to now receive GPS data via SW Maps over bluetooth. After this, I also updated the firmware - always best to be up to date. Thanks for your help resolving this issue. I am still having trouble with getting improved accuracy through RTCM corrections, but I already opened a new topic to address that - viewtopic.php?f=116&t=58133.

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Alright! Hurdle # 1 cleared. Moving to the other postā€¦

I finally found this post.

I had the same problem with my RTK Surveror system

The Rover & Base would communicate. I would get the 1cm light. The blue tooth indicator in SW maps showed I was paired between my android pad and the rover. But no data received.

Read thru this . Opened up my rover and flipped the switch up. In now showing accuracy of,ess than 0.5 inchā€™s.

Maybe Iā€™ll finally be able to use my gps systemšŸ˜

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Welcome @Dzboyce - Iā€™m sorry the device didnā€™t have the switches in the proper spot but Iā€™m glad you got it up and running!