SparkFun RTK Surveyor Bluetooth Issues

So I have been trying to set up an RTK Surveyor device using SWMaps on IOS and have run into a problem. This page ( … #apple-ios) about using SW Maps indicates you need to switch to Bluetooth BLE rather than SPP. It links this page ( … nu_system/) for switching between the bluetooth types.

My issue is this: The system config page has no option to switch the type of bluetooth connection.

The option is simply not there, despite the fact that “The SparkFun RTK devices support Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) which does work with iOS.” It is not the only part of that page that I cannot find in the system config menu, but it is the one that I seemingly need. I had considered it might just have both active, but SW Maps on my iPhone cannot discover the RTK Surveyor. If you can help, please do.

Maybe try connecting to config differently (if using Wifi, try Serial, BT, or the others … with_wifi/) - doe the option appear?

I was trying to configure over Wifi since that is the most user friendly. I have since been trying to configure over both bluetooth and serial with my laptop and tablet (neither of which can be taken into the field) and have had little success. I am not the most tech savvy person, but trying to configure via bluetooth has gotten slightly closer, but I cannot end the stream of data that is being sent to my tablet, or access the terminal menu. The command ‘+++’ has not changed anything as far as I can tell, as the data never stops and I can’t get the menu as shown in the images in the guide.