Freeware GERBER panelizing program

On my project, I’ve got something like 6 boards, and since I’m using eagle I couldn’t combine them unless I spent some serious money on the full version.

I just came across GerbMerge at … gerbmerge/

I was scared away from it at first because you have to install lots of packages, and it runs under python. Nevertheless, after looking at the other options and not wanting to drop $$$, I gave it a try.

It wokred great (minus the pain of setting up the config file), but when I checked out the output in Pentalogix’s ViewMate (9.2) the drill holes were screwed. I soon deduced that it was a formatting problem.

Anyway, I fixed the trouble by changing one line of code in Just search for boogie and you’ll find the code block below:

    for ltool in ltools:
      if self.xcommands.has_key(ltool):
        for cmd in self.xcommands[ltool]:
          x, y = cmd
          fid.write('X%05dY%05d\n' % (x+DX, y+DY)) <<< CHANGE!

Anyway, I now have a free way to combine my PCB’s myself! :stuck_out_tongue: