Fritzing Part for Classroom


I was at the Arduino for Educators workshop last week, and I was talking to Pete @ Sparkfun, who suggested I post here.

I’m teaching an IoT class this Fall at a college-level using a Sparkfun kit and Particle Argon boards. I’d like to use Fritzing since my students are non-engineers. Unfortunately, there is no Argon part available for Fritzing. I know there are various Feather parts available, but that is going to be confusing for people with no electronics background.

Can anyone advise on a (relatively) pain-less process to make an Argon part for Fritzing? I’ve seen tutorials that are either out of date or unwieldy.

Thanks for your help!


BTW The Arduino for Educators workshop was fantastic! Jeff is an incredible instructor and the whole Sparkfun team was great. I highly encourage you to check it out!

Update: after much frustration, I followed the Sparkfun tutorial and created some Fritzing files for the Argon, Boron, and Xenon.

Thanks Sparkfun! Any feedback would be appreciated.


Creating fritzing parts can definitely painful. We have been using our own branch of the “eagle2fritzing” scripts written by Brent Wilkins to convert eagle .brd files to fritzing parts. The process is still quirky and there is a fair amount of manual massage that needs to happen on the back end, but so far it’s easier than creating parts from scratch.

If you are interested in heading that direction, the GitHub branch is here: You can check out either the SparkFun branch or the Adafruit branches for code updates (as you see fit). The brentwilkins branch and the sparkfun branch both presume ubuntu, I think AdaFruit may have the builds working on windows, but I haven’t cross checked that with them.

Another thing I’ve found helpful is to search forums and other branches for fritzing parts. I have done this with some success on boards that are not ours . Ours are all hosted here: … r/products

If all else fails and the board is ours, you can ask us for a Fritzing Part. We’ll do our best to get it to you in a reasonable time frame.